Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Imagine the scenario:

You are at a friend’s house visiting for a couple days. During this time, you spend quiet a lot of time with everyone there: your friend’s parents, his/her siblings, and a cousin who also happens to be there for a few days.
So, you are sitting in the family room, chit-chatting with them all. All are laughing and joking around…when out of nowhere, the joking conversation turns into an argument between one of your friend’s siblings and his/her cousin.

How do you react to this? What do you do? What do you think?

Now, you see this argument escalating and becoming a serious issue. The cousin slaps the sibling and the sibling slaps back. Your friend and everyone else is quiet and have no idea what to do. This goes on for a few minutes. You could not figure out a good reason for why such an escalation over such a small matter which was being joked about to begin with. No one else says anything the whole time, but seems really upset and confused at what was going on.

What is your reaction now? Do you try to follow the argument? do you pretend that it is normal and that nothing unusual was happening? Or do you get up and try to help them resolve or try to say something to break the tension?

This continues for a while, after which everyone in the house, except you, burst into laughter, including the sibling and the cousin. You are completely confused. You have no idea how the joke that turned into a fist fight turned back into a joke in a fraction of a moment. You are then told, that the whole thing was an act played to see how you reacted. The cousin didn’t really hit the sibling, and the sibling didn’t really hit back, and the rest of the family members weren’t really upset or confused. It was all an act to get YOU

Now what? Do you laugh with them? Do you laugh at yourself to actually fall for that? How do you feel about the whole thing now?


Blogger nerdbabe said...

i would be majorly creeped out...what a weird thing to do, considering most of them hardly knew you!

i would also be kinda pissed's one thing to play that kind of joke on a good friend but on a relative stranger?? tsk tsk!

9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd kick some butt is what i'd do. no one tricks me and gets away with it. then after i kick everyones butt, i tell them it was 'just a joke' and steal some food on my way out.

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vidhi!!! Can't believe you've written this in your blog!! Anyways, I'd say that you laugh at yourself for falling for it. A laugh never hurts...:) Plus, you'll know what kinds of crazy people are out there...:)

1:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vidhi!!! hmm... I guess u need to cite some sources here :) neways ... don't pay any heed to the top two advises above...we'll make it up to you next time u r here...

11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

update your damned blog!

11:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Update your damn blog!!!

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vidhi!! Update!!!!

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol..yes nupur i think it is...or rather i shd say is his...
btw what is this with ppl requesting me to update, and staying anon...(mike? nami..???)

2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's me, you dumbo!! now update! i'm sitting on the edge of my seat...WAITING!!

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all are very eager to know what's been going on in your life, I guess.

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

k...once again...leaving no name doesnt help....(to both the last anons)

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wouldn't it be easier to just update the blog rather than trying to identify each and every person who has commented?

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol..not really....updating would be an effort from my side....and leaving your names instead of leaving msges as anons would be an effort on your... :)

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

leaving these comments is effort enough! now update, you crazy lady!

5:25 PM  

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